The Dr. Susan Block Institute

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Kink Month II: “Pussy’s Revenge” with Rhiannon & the Moron this Saturday on DrSuzy.Tv


This Saturday night, October 14th, The Dr. Susan Block Show will continue our sapiosexual celebration of Kink Month 2017. Joining international sexologist and Bonobo Way author Dr. Susan Block will be performance artist and kinkster Rhiannon Aarons, Trump impersonator and artist’s model Michael Q. Schmidt, plus our own Ikkor the Wolf, Gypsy Bonobo and executive producer Capt’n Max and more TBA.

Click Here to RSVP to attend this show in the “Speakeasy” studio audience this Saturday, or call 626.461.5950 (you can call anytime; someone is always here). Studio doors open at 9:30 pm. Studio Members FREE. Membership Has Its Pleasures.

“Kink Month II: Pussy’s Revenge” will broadcast LiVE from Bonoboville on The Dr. Susan Block Show this Saturday night, October 14th, 2017, 10:30pm-Midnight PST. It can be viewed on DrSuzy.Tv or in Bonoboville where you can also chat live in the Bonoboville Studio. This show and all past shows can be viewed in archives on DrSuzy.Tv and can be heard free on DrSusanBlock.com.

Call-In During the Live Broadcast: 1.866.289.7068. Tweet comments and questions @RadioSUZY1 and @DrSuzy. Listen Free or Watch the live show at DrSusanBlock.Tv.

This week’s live broadcast sponsored by Sybian, Condomania, Glyde America ALL-VEGAN Condoms, Motorbunny, Agwa Cocoa Leaf Liqueur, Ron de Jeremy Rum Cannabelly & JuxLeather.


The Dr. Susan Block Show is produced by The Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences, an international center for sexual expression, therapy and education, based in LA, founded in 1991 by Susan M. Block, PhD, world-renowned Yale-educated sexologist, best-selling author and host of HBO specials. The Institute’s mission is to help individuals, couples and communities enhance their sexuality and improve their lives based upon Dr. Block’s philosophy of Ethical Hedonism and The Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure. A portion of all proceeds goes to help save the highly endangered “make love not war” bonobos from extinction in the Congo and to promote the Bonobo Way around the world.



The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure is the ultimate antidote to the fear and hatred that is driving us apart. Give it to someone you love, even if that someone is you.

The Dr. Susan Block Institute Established 1991

For more information, call our recorded line.


We’re available 24/7, including all holidays.

Sign Up For Therapy

Post-Trump Sex Disorder (PTSD)


There’s a new kind of PTSD: Post-Trump Sex Disorder

Institute Director Dr. Susan Block talks about this topic briefly in the September 2017 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine as a “sudden and swift aversion to sex caused by the anger, fear and confusion you’ve absorbed from the current political climate…Women, in particular, have been hit hard by PTSD…When [Trump‘s] crude misogynistic comments were not just ignored but rewarded with the presidency, it made a lot of us feel horrible…. “

PTSD like this can be pretty grim news for our sex lives, among other things, but there is treatment… at least for your sex life. As Dr. Block advises: Turn off the alternative facts,” and tune into real intimacy.


More practical erotic advice for combating Post-Trump Sex Disorder from Dr. Block in Cosmo: “Protests are powerful… and they can be a great aphrodisiac.”

Need to talk about your PTSD privately? The “Therapists Without Borders” of the Dr. Susan Block Institute are here for you, providing telephone sex therapy, webcam, sext therapy and relationship counseling throughout the Trumpocalpyse. Call us at 213-291-9497 anytime.

Read Dr. Suzy’s “Post-Trump Sex Disorder(s)”

Post-Trump Sex Disorders



Post-Trump Sex Disorder

Perhaps you need more personalized ideas for putting healthy distance between the “fake news” and your real sex life. Maybe you need a pep talk with an emphasis on female empowerment, or a fantasy roleplay scene in which the erotic and/or political tables are turned. Then again, perhaps you are a Trump supporter who fantasizes about nonconsensual “pussy-grabbing” and/or “fire and fury,” and you crave the spanking or other type of humiliation that’s coming to you.


Regardless, rest assured that your privacy and confidentiality is absolutely guaranteed.

Need to talk with someone about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us. The world-famous telephone sex therapists of the Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences are just a phone call away, available anytime you need to talk, 24 hours a day. You can call us at 213.291.9497.


The Dr. Susan Block Institute Established 1991

For more information, call our recorded line.


We’re available 24/7, including all holidays.

Sign Up For Therapy

Trump Parody & FemDom Power + Ms. Liz Bday this Saturday on DrSuzy.Tv


This Saturday night, June 17th, The Dr. Susan Block Show will explore Trump parody and FemDom power. Joining international sexologist and Bonobo Way author Dr. Susan Block will be Sanctuary pro-Domme and Lifestyle FemDom Mistress Liz, celebrating her birthday, as well as fellow Sanctuary pro-Domme Goddess Pepper, submissive Mpenzi Barbie, Bratty Wolfie, and Trump parodist Kevin Michaels, plus Gypsy Bonobo, Jacquie Blu, Capt’n Max, of course, and more TBA.

Click Here to RSVP to attend this show in the “Speakeasy” studio audience this Saturday, or call 626.461.5950 (you can call anytime; someone is always here). Studio doors open at 9:30 pm. Studio Members FREE. Membership Has Its Pleasures.

“Trump Parody & FemDom Power” will broadcast LiVE from Bonoboville on The Dr. Susan Block Show this Saturday night, June 17th, 2017, 10:30pm-Midnight PST. It can be viewed on DrSuzy.Tv or in Bonoboville where you can also chat live in the Bonoboville Studio. This show and all past shows can be viewed in archives on DrSuzy.Tv and can be heard free on DrSusanBlock.com.

Call-In During the Live Broadcast: 1.866.289.7068. Tweet comments and questions @RadioSUZY1 and @DrSuzy. Listen Free or Watch the live show at DrSusanBlock.Tv.

This week’s live broadcast sponsored by Sybian, Condomania, Glyde America ALL-VEGAN Condoms, Agwa Cocoa Leaf Liqueur, Ron de Jeremy Rum Cannabelly & JuxLeather.

The Dr. Susan Block Show is produced by The Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences, an international center for sexual expression, therapy and education, based in LA, founded in 1991 by Susan M. Block, PhD, world-renowned Yale-educated sexologist, best-selling author and host of HBO specials. The Institute’s mission is to help individuals, couples and communities enhance their sexuality and improve their lives based upon Dr. Block’s philosophy of Ethical Hedonism and The Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure. A portion of all proceeds goes to help save the highly endangered “make love not war” bonobos from extinction in the Congo and to promote the Bonobo Way around the world.



The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure is the ultimate antidote to the fear and hatred that is driving us apart. Give it to someone you love, even if that someone is you.

The Dr. Susan Block Institute Established 1991

For more information, call our recorded line.


We’re available 24/7, including all holidays.

Sign Up For Therapy

Sex Calls with Dr. Suzy


International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality

Therapists Without Borders Since 1991