This Saturday night, July 5, 2014, The Dr. Susan Block Show, broadcasting live from Bonoboville at LAX, on 4th of July Freedom Weekend, will celebrate and investigate sexual freedom. How sexually free are we? How free do we want to be? Joining international sexologist Dr. Susan Block live on the air will be live on the air in-studio will be world-renowned sexual freedom spokeswoman (and sex symbol!) Nina Hartley, representing the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance.
Victoria Woodhull, namesake of the Woodhull Alliance, was a 19th century sexual freedom fighter, radical suffragist, spiritual visionary, “Free Love” advocate and newspaper publisher, as well as being the first woman to own a Wall Street investment firm and run for President of the United States. The Alliance’s mission is to “affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right.” It will hold its annual Sexual Freedom Summit Aug 14-17, 2014 in Alexandria, VA.
Also in-studio this Saturday night will be Woodhull Alliance spokesman Danny O’Neill, as well as Dr. Block’s husband Max Lobkowicz, former publisher of The LA Star and longtime sexual freedom fighter.
“Sexual Freedom with Nina Hartley and the Woodhull Freedom Alliance” will air LIVE July 5th, 2014, 10:30pm-Midnight PDT on The Dr. Susan Block Show on DrSuzy.Tv
Call-In: 1.866.289.7068 or 626.461.5950. Tweet comments and questions @RadioSUZY1.
Watch the Live Show at DrSusanBlock.Tv (for as little as $5.95!).
This week’s live broadcast sponsored by Condomania, JuxLeather, Nice Buy Applicance, Ron de Jeremy and Dirty Tequila!
The Dr. Susan Block Show is produced by The Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences, an international center for sexual expression, therapy and education, based in LA, founded in 1991 by Susan M. Block, PhD, world-renowned Yale-educated sexologist, best-selling author and host of HBO specials. The Institute’s mission is to help individuals, couples and communities enhance their sexuality and improve their lives based upon Dr. Block’s philosophy of Ethical Hedonism and The Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure. A portion of all proceeds goes to help save the highly endangered “make love not war” bonobos from extinction in the Congo and to promote the Bonobo Way around the world.
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